Just after their performance on the New Blood Stage on the Friday at Bloodstock, we had a quick chat with the entirety of BloodThread about their recently released EP and also about getting invited to play the New Blood Stage. Read on for the full interview…
How was your performance today?
It was awesome. The tent was packed and the moshpits were moving. We had the first broken face of the festival so we did something right! The organisation was superb and we had a great time. For those that couldn’t make it to see us, it’ll be online at some point soon.
You’ve also recently released a new EP. How’s the response been?
Pretty good. Our whole track listing from the EP is in our set at the moment which has been working quite well. The sales have been good along with the reviews and we’re in the green which is a bonus! It was a long time before we released it as we were solidifying our lineup and also wanted to make sure we were all happy with it. For the past three years it was like, “Check out our band!”,”Wait is that you?”,” No… but we play these songs!”. It’s definitely got our stamp on it and can be classed as ‘Blood Thread with no Apologies.’
What was it like getting cherry-picked for the festival?
It was an absolute pleasure to be cherry-picked. He gave us a knowing wink after the final happened and then messaged us the next day telling us not to book any holidays to Benidorm. But no, we’re super stoked to be invited and we’ve had a great time.
What are you guys plans for the next 6 to 12 months?
We’re playing King Tuts very soon which we’re quite chuffed to be playing. We’re looking to have consistent releases annually as we’re now solidified with our lineup. People seem to be wanting more EPs these days and we’re more than happy to comply with that. There’s a lot of office work as well as we’ve just come off a string of gigs. The songs don’t write themselves!
What bands would you say would fit in really well here from the Glasgow scene?
There’s loads man. Scordatura should come back here and play as their recent album is incredible.
Is this your first time at Bloodstock?
Most of us are having their first time here and we’re really enjoying it. We might try and make this a yearly thing as we’ve all been having a great time.
Describe the band in 3 words.
Heavy, brutal and different.
It’s not blastfest goregrind, but there are some people that like that. We try and make ourselves stand out and not copy anyone.
Bloodthread: official | facebook | twitter | bandcamp