As ever, we’re going to try and cover every single Jäger, New Blood and SOPHIE stage band before Bloodstock kicks off on August 10th. Your chance to check them out and start planning which bands to get there early for!
Trust us when we tell you that this is bound to result in some frustrating clashes because, as ever, there are some great bands on these three stages.
Our thanks to all the bands for taking the time out to answer our questions!
Hanowar – Jägermeister Stage, Friday
Simple things first – where are you guys from?
We met on English ground, in a backstage room we heard the sound. And we all knew what we had to do!
How long have you been playing together as a band?
Your mortal concept of time cannot possibly hope to measure the length of our journey.
Where does the name of the band come from?
As we were rehearsing one evening, we were attacked by a great dragon sent by those who try to keep down the sound of true metal! However, Gerran ‘ThunderPick’ Burnes struck a powerful bass chord which not only blew out the power grid for all of the UK but caused the dragon’s heart to implode. The blood began cascading out of its mouth, forming into a shape on the asphalt below. When the dust had settled, and the fires calmed, we looked upon this shape and saw that it spelt “Hanowar”! That’s the short version, at least.
Describe your music. What makes you unique?
We are the only true metal band, none can match us. Our music is the unique blend of steel, power, and true metal.
What’s your live show like? Why are people going to watch you instead of another band?
Our live show is the envy of the gods themselves! They look on in a jealous anger at the sheer power that emanates from our stage show, wishing they too could have grabbed a plastic sword of steel with which to use in battle, alongside the lyrics of “Fighting The World”! Why are people going to watch us instead of another band? Why would anyone go to watch one of those false metal bands on the main stage when our true metal is on show at the Jäger stage! Anyone who does is a wimp and a poser and will be slain where they stand.
Have you been to Bloodstock before? What did you think?
We brought the steel to Bloodstock in 2015, and clearly, we did not destroy enough posers! This is why we must ride into battle again!
When/how did you find out you’d been selected to play at Bloodstock?
When the wind filled the sky, the clouds moved aside. There was the road to all our dreams! And at the end of it, a great email of steel saying we had been selected to ride into battle at this year’s Bloodstock!
What sort of setlist can we expect?
The truest of the true. There’s going to be steel. There’s going to be glory, and there’s going to be true heavy metal.
Which other band do you most hope you’re not clashing with so you can see them play?
Just like last time, your question is worded incorrectly. We’re sure it should be “Which band most hopes they don’t clash with us?!” And we’re sure the answer would be Amon Amarth, as they fear we will take their headline crowd!
What are you working on at the moment?
Kieran ‘Power’ McCarthy is attempting to train his vocal chords to hit frequencies so powerful that we can break the riddle of time travel and bring true metal to humanity throughout history!
What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done on tour?
More than one hundred women offered themselves to Bill ‘Battle Hymns’ Jacobs last tour. None of them were denied.
Finally: Jäger, Hobgoblin Ale, Kraken, Kingstone Press Cider, Kaltenberg Beer or Bulleit Bourbon? And, yes, we’ll be counting all the votes!
The blood of our enemies, straight from their skulls!