Nottingham pop punks Catch Fire recently released their sophomore EP A Love That I Still Miss via Rude Records. Comprised of vocalist Miles Kent, guitarists Tim Bell and Neal Arkley, drummer Ash Wain and bassist Joseph Ryan Askew, they formed ashes of local heroes Layby and released debut EP The Distance I Am From You via Rude Records in early 2016.
For ALTISM the guys spent three weeks in the studio with Myroslav Borys of Jigsaw Audio, having found a good chemistry with the producer when recording December’s cover of Alessia Cara’s Wild Things. If you’re a fan of emo-tinged pop punk, with intricate guitars and driving rhythm, evoking Trash Boat and Knuckle Puck, then you’ll certainly be wanting to listen in!
Below Ash gives us more insight into the band, as he takes the A-Z interview…
A Song Which Made You Want To Make Music:
All Time Low – “Jasey Rae”
Best Album Ever Written:
The Story So Far – What You Don’t See
Craziest Moment You’ve Experienced In The Band:
Selling out a hometown headline show in the Red Rooms.
Deepest Lyrics One Of Your Songs Features:
“I know full well that I can’t possibly be everything you need, and it f*cking kills me.”
Easiest Song You Wrote:
“Introspective Pt. II”
Favorite Show You’ve Ever Played:
The Bodega, Nottingham w/ Trash Boat, WSTR, & Weatherstate.
Guest You’d Most Like To Feature On Your Record:
Derek DiScanio, dude’s got a killer voice.
Happiest Moment You’ve Experienced In The Band:
I think the happiest we’ve ever been is when we got the mixes back for A Love That I Still Miss. We were on tour feeling pretty shoddy, but that soon went away. It was the moment those sad songs we wrote in our practice space came to life.
Interesting Fact About One Of Your Members:
Joe got shot in the arm with a shotgun when he was 12. He has a crater the size of a shot glass to prove it.
Jokes You Have In The Band:
Neal Arkley.
Kicking Off Your Set Is Best With Which Song:
“Poise” works well as an opener. The EP kicks off with it, so it makes sense to kick our live shows off with it too. It has lots of energy and people seem to dig it.
Longest Distance You’ve Travelled To Play A Show:
Glasgow for sure, it’s about 6/7 hours from us. We also had to drive back the same night because Tim booked the hotel for the wrong night. Cheers Tim.
Most Inspiring Musician You’ve Ever Experienced:
Tom Searle. RIP.
New Band You’d Recommend:
Frown Upon for sure. Those dudes are super talented. If you like your punk rock, give those guys a shout.
Opening For This Band Would Idealy Be:
Knuckle Puck.
Place You’d Most Like To Tour:
Quote That You’d Like To Pass On To Readers:
If you have a dream or a passion, embrace it with open arms and give it all you’ve got. If you’re ever feeling sad, embrace that too. Channel it into something creative.
Reason For The Title Of Your Recent/Forthcoming Release:
A Love That I Still Miss is about missing what you were once lucky enough to have, but didn’t realize at the time just how special it was.
See Us Live At:
The Old Days Of Music Were Better Than Those Current, do you agree:
Absolutely not. The current days will be the old days in years to come. All music is great.
Unusual Merchandise:
We might do some socks one day???
Variations You’d Like To Do On Any Of Your Songs:
We’ve played around with a swing cover of “Bad Behaviour” before, that was pretty interesting.
What Bands Have You Seen Live and Regretted:
I don’t like slamming bands at all, but Blessthefall, for sure. They supported Architects, and it just wasn’t great.
X-rays or any other treatments needed for band related injuries:
None of us have endured any physical pains from being in a band. Does emotional pain count?
You could have written any song in history, which would you pick:
Pearl Jam – “Release”. Jeeeeeez.
Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band:
I’m gonna go ahead and say pandas. They seem pretty clumsy and stupid, so that’s a fair comparison I’d say.