#ROADTOBOA Interview: Valous

Bloodstock 2016 logoHere we go again… Last year we covered every band on the Hobgoblin New Blood and Jagermeister stages in the run-up to Bloodstock 2015. This year, we’re going one better and aim to have interviews from all the bands on those two stages as well as all of those on the SOPHIE stage prior to the event kicking off on August 11th. That’s almost 100 interviews to get online for you lucky people over the course of the next couple of weeks. I bloody love this job, but you lot owe me a beer at Catton Hall, right?

Thanks to all the bands who’ve taken the time to respond!

Valous – Hobgoblin New Blood stage, Sunday

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We call Birmingham home but two of our five are from Wolverhampton and Telford respectively.

How did you meet?

Some of us go way back to our late teens but Valous as it is now know each other from the scene and from previous bands who fortunately for us went the way of the Dodo, so we swiped them up quick sharp.

How long have you been playing together as a band?

Valous goes way back to the early 90’s but we all went our own way and came back together in 2010 but finally cemented the definitive lineup at the beginning of 2016.

Where does the name of the band come from?

Original bassist and founding member, Andy ‘OB1’ O’Brien coined it as a play on the term “Men of Valour”. He was a WWII nut.

What are your influences – individually or as a band?

We all have a very different diverse taste in music and our influences range from Classic Metal to Thrash and stop off at Nu Metal and Groove along the way but the constant thread that ties it all together is our love of music that moves, grooves and melodically soothes the listener.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

We stick to our guns, we don’t follow trends, our performances are high energy and we deliver our ‘A-Game’ no matter where we play. You’re always guaranteed a fierce metal with melody based show.

What’s your live show like – why should the baying hordes troop over to the stage you’re playing on to watch you?

Because people love a spectacle, people love a musical hook and we pride ourselves on giving out a great energy and drawing one back from the audience.

When/how did you find out you’d been selected to play at Bloodstock?

We had a second crack at M2tM Birmingham and by the graces of God, the audience, the judges and the Mighty Mr Hall we were overjoyed to be selected as special guests on the New Blood Stage

What sort of setlist can we expect?

One that takes a trip through both our albums and will take the audience on a dynamic and enjoyable high energy ride. All aboard!

Which main stage band do you most hope you’re not clashing with so you can see them play?

Twisted Sister, Mastodon, Anthrax, Slayer, Evil Scarecrow and Kill II This.

What are you working on at the moment?

We are currently writing and getting ready to start recording part two of our concept album The Devil’s Seven which will come in the form of a four track EP. Then… Well then we have a few secret plans we can’t reveal just yet.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done on tour?

We have Mat Shutt in the band. Every run of dates includes something weird & crazy around that man as he loves a drunken aftershow!  I guess our close call ban from the Premier Inn chain when teaming up with our brothers in Left For Red is up there though. Ask us over a pint if you want the nitty and the gritty, haha!!

What advice would you give to a young band just starting out today?

Up your social media game, get an album or at least EP recorded and a video of some description and be nice to everyone you work with from the person pouring your drink to the bands on the bill with you. In fact make friends and alliances with as many bands that you play with as you can. Oh and always be professional!

If you could be part of any 3-band line-up who else would you have on the bill? One band above you and one below – a chance to plug a smaller, unsigned act!

We had our very good friends in Vicious Nature hook us up with this virtual billing so we’d definitely return the favour and go for a Disturbed, Valous and VN type affair. What a night that’d be!

What stage / time are you playing at Bloodstock (if you have your slot yet!)

We are playing on the New Blood Stage on Sunday but times aren’t officially released yet so we can’t say much more than that at this time.

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