Here we go again… Last year we covered every band on the Hobgoblin New Blood and Jagermeister stages in the run-up to Bloodstock 2015. This year, we’re going one better and aim to have interviews from all the bands on those two stages as well as all of those on the SOPHIE stage prior to the event kicking off on August 11th. That’s almost 100 interviews to get online for you lucky people over the course of the next couple of weeks. I bloody love this job, but you lot owe me a beer at Catton Hall, right?
Thanks to all the bands who’ve taken the time to respond!
Burning the Dream – Hobgoblin New Blood stage, Friday
Simple things first – where are you guys from?
All in, or within minutes of Glasgow.
How did you meet?
Iain and Richy have been friends since before they had hair on their balls and after many a line-up change they finally felt that had no choice but to settle for Ro and his beard on bass. Ro then said he knew a loudmouth bawbag from a previous band in the form of Paul and then after a line-up change saw Richy switch to drums, it left an opening for Greig who had been pretending to like Paul for a couple of years as his “friend”, he lied.
How long have you been playing together as a band?
Overall about 4 years. In this current and lasting form, 8 months.
Where does the name of the band come from?
We’ll tell you, but we legit would either get stabbed or jailed or both.
What are your influences – individually or as a band?
Primarily Strongbow and Budweiser… little bit of necrophilia. Musically speaking we’re so eclectic it’s just impossible to answer.
Describe your music. What makes you unique?
What makes us unique is that no one, us included, seems quite able to accurately label us. We’ve a mixed blend of styles going on… fuck knows how we manage to put it together into anything half decent.
What’s your live show like – why should the baying hordes troop over to the stage you’re playing on to watch you?
We have brutality, we have groove, we have melody, we have banter and we’ve really nice wee butts… which folk may see. [If Paul gets as pissed as he was at Wildfire, then this is definitely a scary possibility – Mosh]
When/how did you find out you’d been selected to play at Bloodstock?
At the end of Glasgow’s Metal To The Masses final when Simon Hall said “Burning The Dream” and yay we did smile and life was good.
What sort of setlist can we expect?
The best kind! Ours! There’s no comparison.
Which main stage band do you most hope you’re not clashing with so you can see them play?
Between us, for the day we’re playing, we’d love to be able to catch Stuck Mojo, Corrosion Of Conformity and Behemoth especially.
What are you working on at the moment?
Besides these here questions… our debut EP. It’ll be five tracks of love entitled Dark Waters.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done on tour?
Wildest we’ve done will have to remain a secret as we value not being arrested, but the wildest we’ve seen was a certain awesome drummer of a certain awesome Scottish band (let’s call them… “Canine Sleepy”) becoming the victim of a portaloo tipping incident. There was poo. Much poo.
What advice would you give to a young band just starting out today?
Stay in school, drink your milk, take your vitamins, don’t pee on electric fences, be dead good at music. We’d say a lot of clichés to them. Ultimately: don’t take our advice, we’re fucking idiots.
If you could be part of any 3-band line-up who else would you have on the bill? One band above you and one below – a chance to plug a smaller, unsigned act!
Above us: Fear Factory, that surely needs no explanation, they give us music boners. Opening: We really can’t choose between our friends in Seed Of Sorrow and Triverse Massacre so….Triverse Sorrow? Seed Of Massacre?
What stage / time are you playing at Bloodstock (if you have your slot yet!)
We’re Friday on the New Blood Stage. Check your local listings for times, dear viewer.