Interview: Jamie and Rikki of Sister

(c) Gary Cooper Photography
(c) Gary Cooper Photography

[avatar user=”Gary” size=”50″ align=”left” /]Gary had a chat with Sister before their gig at Bannerman’s last night, their second appearance in Edinburgh in a length of time that can be measured in weeks. Certainly no denying that this is one hard-working band! The review of the show will be up shortly, but in the meantime here’s what the guy had to say about touring with Skid Row and getting their own promising career off the ground.

Last year you toured with Skid Row and were at the Liquid rooms here, how was that?

Yeah they were our childhood heroes, we grew up with Skid Row, our idols. They were really good guys to tour with, Johnny has an amazing voice and he has been in the band since the 90’s. They really sound like the old albums. It was really cool to see Snake, Rachel, Scotti & Rob play every night etc.

Disguised Vultures has been out for just over a year, I found it a bit harder than Hated. How has it being going down?

Yeah it has being going down pretty good. It is maybe a bit rougher than Hated, we wanted to get a more organic kind off feeling to it and we recorded it live in the studio, as we wanted to capture a bit more of a live feel to it. We always considered ourselves a live band and Disguised Vultures is how you are supposed to experience Sister. We kinda wanted to capture that feeling of what you get live is what you get on that album.

I thought Hated had a bit more of a produced sound than Disguised Vultures. What are you thoughts?

In some way yes and some ways no, they are kind of different type of albums, with Hated maybe a bit more produced. We had such a hurry with Hated because when we signed to Metalblade, we had just a few months to just write a bunch of songs and recording had to be really fast. This time round we had a bit more time to plan it all and we kinda wanted to record it in the way albums should be recorded. We wanted to try something new with Disguised Vultures but I would not say one is better than the other.

(c) Gary Cooper Photography
(c) Gary Cooper Photography

I thought a couple of the tracks on Disguised Vultures were a nod to Alice Cooper.

Thanks that is a compliment! We have been listening to a lot of Alice Cooper this tour – we always do, but Alice is a big influence.

This is your first headline tour in the UK.

Yeah, we have been doing the opening act for about 4 years so it was about time to headline and do a complete set. We have been doing 30-40 minute sets for so long so it feels good to play full show 70 minutes and really push it. You don’t get rich opening for bands, but it’s always a cool thing to go on tour with the likes of Skid Row, Hardcore Superstar & Wednesday13 – its a great time. It is good in two different ways. I would say I prefer it like this (Headliners) as much as doing that (supporting), because it is more about the music and our band, We try to have fun on stage.

So who are your musical influences?

You mentioned Alice Cooper, also W.A.S.P. and people who give the audience a show, kinda like the full package.

How are plans going for the next album?

We are right in the middle of it, 5 songs so far, get back into it after the tour this summer, into the studio probably at end of the year… hope to have the new album out early next year.

How do you find sales these days?

You don’t, you find new ways like us and our label Metalblade. Vinyl has come back since two, three years ago. We sell vinyl as much as CDs and I love that. CDs I don’t see the purpose of any more. I can believe vinyl will stay for a long time. There is not much money from downloads, but I guess it is the same for most bands and we just have to be on tour and earn money that way. Merchandise is our biggest income. You notice when you talk to bands that you play with it is the same for everyone. We love being on tour and playing live, it is a good way to live and play music.

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