One half The Parallax Method, one half ex-Cradle of Filth, Beardsley/Shaw is the imaginatively-named collaboration between Danny Beardsley and Richard Shaw. The main men themselves take time out to tell us about their new project…
Simple things first – where are you both from?
Danny – I was raised in Ilkeston, Derbyshire but I now reside in Nottinghamshire.
Rich – I’m from Derbyshire too, but now I live in Kent with my family.
How long have you been playing as a two-piece?
This is a relatively new venture as a two-piece. I think we started working together a year or so ago. That being said we were in Emperor Chung together from 2010 to 2014 ish and we’ve known each other from the local music scene for a long time before that.
What are your influences?
Danny – Anything with a good tune or speaks to me on an emotional level. I lean towards guitar driven music but that isn’t exclusive. Some of my main influences include, Queen, Big Wreck, Incubus and Eric Johnson.
Rich – There are many! To name a few…Metallica, Alter Bridge, Dream Theater, Queen, The Beatles, Film music especially Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, and John Williams.
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Describe your music. What makes you unique?
Danny – I think it’s difficult to assess your own music accurately, but we hope that what we create something together, which incorporates elements of all our favourite artists. After all, that’s all we do as artists, we just add as many different ingredients into a pot and hope it cooks up a tasty recipe.
We both love heavy riffs and soaring guitar solos but we enjoy a strong, memorable melody.
Do you have any particular lyrical themes?
Danny – I definitely don’t class myself as an accomplished lyricist, I’m still very much an apprentice, but I aim to keep themes as vague as possible to allow the listener to interpret the songs in their own way. Music is universal and personal and I think using this approach allows the listener to use their imagination. My lyrics are usually derived from a personal experience, but my aim is to inform the listener they’re not alone. I personally find comfort in knowing others have similar thoughts and feelings.
What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?
That is yet to found out. We have no plans of a live performance, but we always open to arising opportunities.
What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?
Danny – On this track I used a Chapman ML2 Pro to track my guitar solo and harmonies into an Orange Rockerverb Mark 3 & Two Notes Torpedo Live. The acoustic guitar under the chorus was an old Turner 72CE.
I used a Rode NT1 microphone for vocals and any processing was done in post using Logic Pro X.
Rich – I use PRS guitars. The rhythms were recorded with my SE277 Baritone, and the solos were recorded using my Silver Sky and Custom 24. Tracks were originally recorded using Neural DSP plugins, but then Danny did whatever re-amping he thought was necessary.
What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?
Danny – We are promoting this single currently. That’s the focus at the moment, but I continue to promote my solo work ’Blood From A Stone’ and ‘Chase The Sun’, as well as the debut album ‘Folie À Trois’ from my instrumental band, The Parallax Method.
What are your plans for the next 6 months or so?
Danny – Rich has already sent me rough tracks for a potential follow up song. I have started with some vocal ideas and we can arrange the track ready for when we recording properly.
There is always a continuous loop of rehearsing and learning to help maintain and improve my musicianship. As well as writing new material with TPM and I also have a plethora of songs ready for a third solo album.
Rich – I’ll be continually writing music!
If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!
We both agree: These Wicked Rivers – Beardsley/Shaw – Big Wreck headlining
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Beardsley/Shaw: official | facebook (Beardsley) | facebook (Shaw) | instagram | spotify | bandcamp | youtube (Beardsley)