Band of the Day: Unveil the Strength

Late in the day for posting, but we’ve still got your Band of the Day right here! Matt Snell of Unveil the Strength takes on our questions…

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

I currently live in Reno Nv. I have been here for the last 7 Years. After Chicago, LA, and Vegas I couldn’t be more happy here! Mark is in Austin Tx. Tim is in Durango Co. Matt G is in the Bay are Nor Cal. and Andy James lives in London. 

How did you meet?

I joined Unveil the Strength in January of 2018. Mark Wölfe (vocalist) and I have been friends a long time however have had conflicting schedules musically. We came to a point where we were both free and available to work on music so we got started. We began writing and recruited Guitarist Andy James, Keyboardist Matt Guillory and Drummer Tim Hassemer. We set out to write real metal music with a real message. To engage fans through great songwriting and performance.

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

Unveil the Strength is the mantra of Mark Wolfe’s entire life. It is quite an epic journey and the driving force behind the band. Mark has seen first hand the horrors of war. He was homeless, and suffered not only physical injury, but PTSD. He has literally risen from the ashes. It is within all of us to find and reveal our inner strength. 

What are your influences?

As a bassist, I have to go back to my roots. Cliff Burton, Steve Harris, Frank Bello, David Ellefson. When it comes to bands, it is a different question. Are we influenced by success? Are we influenced by technical proficiency? Are we influenced by image? For me it would be Opeth. While their style doesn’t translate into Unveil the Strength, they are a testament to an ever evolving “we do what we want to do” attitude and I still to this day after listening for 20 years, stop when I hear them and listen. I can’t say that for many bands.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

Songwriting and production. We employ the idea of a basic active rock approach, but never forget how much we love true metal. We also make room for Andy James’ amazing leads. He is just plain epic and it’s always fun to see what he comes up with next!

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

Mark sings from his life experiences. A U.S. Marine veteran, he sings from his knowledge of the world as he has seen it. From the battlefield to living as a homeless Veteran for over 2 years on the streets of Southern California. He has an experienced “lived in” life that has given him a perspective that you only get through experience.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

I’ve been playing shows since 1992 so…. no clue how many! A lot! They have all been high energy shows with lots of fan interaction. I was brought up on the greats so there’s a bar that must be risen each night!

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

We started a bit of a riot in the UK once at Download. That was fun! No one got hurt, so yeah.

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

Ibanez has been my bass of choice for as long as I can remember. Becoming an endorsee with them in 2007 was so amazing. they are a really great company and have take really good care of me. Can’t imagine going with anything else!

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

We are currently working our second single “Hells Never Over”. You can watch the video for it below. It just came out a short while ago so give it a watch/listen!!

What are your plans for 2019?

We are currently promoting the singles and speaking with agents to get our tours set up for the next few months. It is a process when done correctly so we are taking the time to make sure we get out the door the right way.

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

I really just want to be around the positive camps. The happy grateful people who still enjoy the daily grind, shows and energy. People who add to you instead of taking from you. There are way to many options there and so many amazing metal bands out. Sometimes the tours your least expect to work end up being the best. We can compete with all of ’em. I mean we don’t have giant stage props or fire, but note for note we can throw down with the best of em!

Header image by Fred Morledge

Unveil The Strength: official | facebook | twitter | instagram

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