Band of the Day: Shadowqueen

What happens when you’re a bunch of Aussies and cross Rage Against the Machine with Pink (their words, not ours)? You get Shadowqueen.

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

Melbourne, Australia.

How did you meet?

On Tinder…just kidding! Robbi and Si over the years have been in various bands together and they used to go and see Alex play in another band. Cut a long story short, eventually they asked him to join and the rest is history.

How long have you been playing as a band?

Since 2010.

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

In the 16th century there was a group of witches called the “Shadow Queens”, they were highly feared by the King…

Robbi picked those two words from a list of possible names we wrote down because she liked the sound of them together.

What are your influences?

Muse, Royal Blood, QOTSA, RATM, Jack White, Blondie, The Police, The Pretenders, Rush, Queen, Led Zepp, Heart, The Who, Kate Bush, Joplin. There are so many.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

It’s a lot like a melting pot of our influences. We’re not unique but what makes us slightly different I guess is that we are a three-piece with a female lead vocalist that plays bass guitar, think RATM with Pink as the singer only she’s playing bass as well.

Do you have any particular lyrical themes?

We write about life experiences both fictional and non-fictional.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

We rock out pretty hard and we also have some quieter moments in the set where Robbi plays piano and sings, but mostly it’s a full on rock show with lots of interaction with our audience. Too many shows to count, we play as often as we can, which is a lot.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

Having audience members showing us their tattoos of our band art work or lyrics on their bodies, that’s pretty awesome!

What kit do you use / guitars do you play / etc.?

Alex is an endorsee of Ludwig drums, Zildjian Cymbals and Vic Firth sticks. Robbi plays Fender Precision Jazz basses and uses an Ampeg fridge, Si plays Gibson Les Paul’s and Strats and Maton guitars with Marshall Amps and quad boxes.

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

Our second album called Living Madness, it’s out now and we are releasing another single and video from the album very soon!

What are your plans for 2018?

This year we have signed on to new management based out of Los Angeles, USA and we’ve been touring Australia promoting our second album and in 2019 we are looking at heading to the UK and Europe: exciting times!

If you were second on a three-band bill, which band would you love to be supporting and which band would you choose to open for you? A chance to plug someone you’ve toured with, or a mate’s band we’ve not heard of before!

We would love to support any of the bands we mentioned earlier, but let’s say Muse with our Aussie mates Chasing Lana as the opener, now that would be an awesome line up!

Shadowqueen: official | facebook | twitter | soundcloudinstagram | youtube

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