Something a little different today. Not in terms of the music, but of the band. Some months ago we featured the rather good My Wooden Pillow as Band of the Day. I received an email from Chris, the band’s drummer, telling me that they were no longer together. Three of the four members had formed another act, though My Wooden Pillow is still a band just to be clear. Along with members of Driven Apart, they have formed Impavidus, who released their debut EP last month. So three people here are in their second Band of the Day!
Impavidus’ sound is definitely different to MWP. Darker, heavier and that little bit closer to the melodic death-ish metal side of things than MWP’s more hardcore tinge. Vocalist Michelle is one of those who’ve moved bands and even her clean vocals are definitely edgier and more emotionally charged on this release.
Impavidus features four tracks, all of which are nice and heavy. They’re also pretty catchy with some good riffs and rhythm. “Exculpate” is probably the top choice for me on all scores. Mixed vocal styles, a head-nodding beat and guitars that just seem to wander up and down the fretboard seamlessly.
At the opposite end of the scale in terms of pure fury is “Scourge” which just blisters along in places and is relentless throughout. Less refined, but no less enjoyable for it.
There are only the four tracks to get to grips with here, but it’s a good little sampler for this new band and well worth hopping over to bandcamp to listen to (and buy!).
Impavidus: facebook | bandcamp