Band of the Day – Deadly Inscription

Deadly Inscription 192Deadly Inscription have been mentioned on these pages before, popping up now and again in support slots or competing in little events like the recent heats of M2TM. It’s about time they got the full Band of the Day treatment, especially with their new EP imminent, so here we go!

Guitarist and founder member Ryan Peacock describes the Paisley-based band as “metalcore-ish” and having listened through A Testament To Sin, I can understand the “ish”. While there are definite “-core” tones, overall they’re that bit more melodic and very death. Ish. It’s a nice amalgamation of styles, but the most important thing is that they’re damn heavy.

Formed in 2006 as a four-piece, the band released two EPs: 2011’s Substance and Proving Ground in 2013. Shortly afterwards, they hired bassist Ross Donnelly which allowed Stuart Carlin to focus purely on vocals. Colin Campbell on drums and Kerry McGinlay on guitars make up the remainder of the fivesome.

With this line-up, they released a single (scroll down for the video) and toured Scotland in 2014 followed by a live DVD in 2015. Investing in their own backline and van, this is a band who are seriously committed to their musical career and take every opportunity to demonstrate that to a live audience.

Their latest EP, A Testament To Sin, is due out on February 26th. The band have organised a launch party at King Tut’s in Glasgow that night and they’re promising something special. Tickets are available from the venue or online via the band’s Big Cartel page at only £6.50.

A Testament To Sin was recorded in Birmingham with Ajeet Gill at Hellfire Studios. Peacock says they’ve poured 18 months of hard work into the EP… and it shows.

Contained within are five tracks of head-smashing heaviness. Dark, angry (there’s the “core” influence again) but from the very beginning it’s apparent that there is a good use of harmony as well as fast-paced instrument thrashing. Opener “Subservient” doesn’t mess around. Straight in there with the faster pace, it’s the slightly slower but more rhythmic belt around the minute mark that sells the song for me. There’s little chance to gather your thoughts, though, before the tempo changes again. Before three minutes are up, we’ve had a melodic break and then we’re breaking heads again. Deadly Inscription aren’t afraid to mix it up a bit and this one song pretty much sums them up.

“The Taxidermist” enjoys a nice, slow (comparatively) intro, one that wouldn’t be out of place with a more death-oriented band. The riff afterwards just hooks you in and as the speed arrives, the hooks pull tight and rip you apart. This is the musical equivalent of a date with a Cenobite. This one, by rights, should destroy King Tut’s. Let the management be aware!

Third song “Tower of Silence” really doesn’t live up to its title, kicking off with as much fury as some songs manage to muster at their peak. With only a brief slow-down in place just over halfway through, it really doesn’t want  you to pause for breath. This exhausting enough to listen to – I can only imagine the effect it will have on a live crowd.

“Hellion Rising” launches in a suitably demonic start with some nice distorted vocals and is definitely an evil track. Full use is made of the twin guitars with both low and high sound ranges covered to make this one of the most interesting songs on the EP. The melodic break, in particular, is very well done.

Finally, “The Gravedigger’s Oath” nails the coffin lid shut on this collection. A chugging opening riff, leads into some great flowing guitar work and a headbanger of a song.

Full details of availability will be with us in time, but I assume the EP will be for sale at the launch party and online shortly afterwards.

Deadly Inscription: official | facebook | twitter | youtube | bigcartel

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March 4, 2016 8:32 PM

D.I. – onward and upward