Band of the Day: Vanity Draws Blood

Heading darn sarf today for London-based metalcore act Vanity Draws Blood. They originally formed in 2010… and also in 2012 when they had a few line-up changes and kick-started things again.

They have a single release out, though it’s an impressive 7-track EP called I Witness which you can get from Google Play, Amazon and iTunes (Google’s the cheapest, btw), as a “pay what you want, be generous you bastards” download from bandcamp or on CD for only £3 via bigcartel.

So what do you get for your paltry donation to their recording fees? Well, given that they made the final 15 in the Red Bull competition to play Download last year, something good should be expected – and they don’t disappoint.

Some metalcore bands aim for the melodic, some the heavier end of the scale while others tread the line between the two. Vanity Draws Blood are very much on the heavier end. Deep, growled vocals accompany head-splitting beats and when the harmonies do kick in they’re for light relief from the pummelling.

Having said that, the intro to the instrumental track “Departed” is superb. Tinkling guitars which lead into soaring notes once the intro is over, and then back and forth between heavier and lighter segments, it’s a wonderful piece of music and goes to show that they’re definitely not a one trick pony.

As with any band, particularly the newer and self-funded ones like this, I urge you to give them a chance and a listen. “Fractured” below isn’t on the EP, it’s even more recent, but it’s right up there in terms of quality and aggression.

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