Continuing to work my way through the backlog of bands who’ve submitted themselves for Band of the Day and today is the turn of Amaze Knight from Italy.
They’re a prog metal/rock band from Turin featuring five members since a full-time keyboardist joined them in 2013. Their 5-track debut The Key, a concept album based around emotions and reflections, is the result of over a year’s work.
You get your money’s worth in more ways than one with it. For a start, it’s a free download – my favourite price. For another, the tracks are 8 minutes or longer so although it’s “only” five songs, you’re still getting an album’s length of music.
The band highlight that the four founder members all come from different musical backgrounds and this comes across really well. The length of each song allows plenty of time for style changes within them without it sounding forced or just change for change’s sake.
A fast drum intro leads into a soaring keyboard-led first verse. A piano concerto segues into an angsty ballad.
“Restless Soul” is probably my favourite on the album, being as it is probably the “heaviest” one on there.
Overall, The Key is a little light and traditionally progressive for my liking, but there’s no denying the talent and quality present.
What have you got to lose, after all? As I said… it’s free!
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