Band of the Day: Screaming Beast

Screaming Beast - Blistering LiesOh, come on. You don’t get a more wonderfully metal name for a band than Screaming Beast. Better than that, though, is that they live up to the name.

Screaming Beast is a two-man act from Manchester. Anton War does the vocals while Daniel Mucs handles all the music. Between them they’ve managed to mould a three-track EP called Blistering Lies which is available for download now via their reverbnation page.

It’s damn good. Hard and heavy with a “southern metal” influence. Pace varies from face-punching rhythms to moshpit heaven.

There’s not a lot more I can tell you about them other than that they’re unsigned. However, I’d hope someone picks them up. On the basis of these three songs, they really know what they’re doing.

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