Band of the Day: Nexilva

Nexilva - EschatologiesFirst of all I have to point out that as a Newcastle fan, Nexilva are going to have to work their socks off to impress me. Because they’re from the land of darkness, where witches are still tried by dunking (which means they’re the only clean people in the village), a.k.a. Sunderland. However, given that they got tonked 2-0 by Norwich yesterday I’m in a slightly benevolent mood.

Nexilva cross the genres of progressive metal and death, which should mean long, flowing widdly tracks intermingled with heavy, blasting beats and harsh vocals. That’s along the lines of the end product, though it’s better blended than that.

The deathier elements are overlaid on a bed of keyboards as well as a handful of tracks on the album being pure scene-setting prog. So we have death with a prog edge, and a little bit of prog with a death edge for balance.

Don’t think for a moment that the death metal sound has been diluted at all, though. It’s very much given more depth and though the sudden flurry of electronic keyboard notes sometimes had me wondering “where the hell is that sound coming from” it’s only due to the fact that I don’t listen to much death/prog.

I don’t think this is going to drag many prog listeners over to the heavier side of things, but the prog elements certainly shouldn’t put off any of the wearers of corpse paint out there.

As ever, bunch of links below and a sample track. Check ’em out and see what you think.

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