A lot of bands bill themselves as playing “classic” metal. Selfmachine are the first I’ve seen whose chosen genre is “modern metal”. So, what does this consist of? Well, the list of band members may give you a clue with “Vocals, grunts, screams” being attributed to Steven Leijen, with “backing grunts” and “backing screams” being claimed by John Brok and Michael Hansen respectively (in addition to their guitar input).
Mark Brekelmans and Ben Schepers make up the numbers on bass and drums respectively. Combined, they produce some very easy to get into, groovy metal.
It was Brekelmans who started the band up in 2010 after his previous bands went their separate ways. Three years down the road and they recorded their debut album Broadcast Your Identity. 2014 sees them ready to release and promote the hell out of it!
There’s one track online already (see below) and the digital release is 2/2/14 – or for those of you in the US with your stupid m/d/yy format – 2/2/14. That’s tomorrow for those of you who are reading this today.
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