New Band of the Day: Aviator Shades

Aviator ShadesListing what amounts to a who’s who of classic rock bands as their influences, Aviator Shades play remarkably catchy rock’n’roll tunes. Based in Vancouver, but with roots in Ireland, they’ve been going for a good couple of years now.

You know all those good things that make you like a quality rock track the moment you hear it? The hook, the rhythm, the pumping sound, the singalong chorus? Aviator Shaded pack these into each track like… well, like me in KFC trying to convince my stomach that it can indeed take one more chicken leg. You can never have too many, though Aviator Shades are probably better for your cholesterol levels.

I’ve picked their most recent track, “Ready To Blow” (apt with the KFC reference… you can tell I’m hungry writing this), but do check out their other songs as well. They’re every bit as tasty and delicious. Musically speaking.

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