Who here likes silly action films? And music videos with F1 cars and boobies? In that case you’re onto a winner with today’s NBotD, Water Knot.
To satisfy the former, their forthcoming track “Lust” is featured in the new Stallone / Statham / Franco movie Homefront. In the case of the latter, you’ll have to see the video for the track. Which I’m not allowed to share with you yet. Diddums.
In the meantime, you can make do with a potted history and some more songs. Water Knot are from Brooklyn and play a blues-y, grunge-y take on classic rock. And by classic I’m talking Beatles, Stones and the like. It’s nice to be taken back in time with a sound that’s still modern.
Formed in 2011, they released their first track not too long later (“Big Brother”) along with a self-made video. This grew into the Sometimes EP and this in turn has blossomed into an album which is due for release early next year. The tracks/video from which I am not allowed to share. Yet!
There’s plenty about them online including the whole Sometimes EP on SoundCloud. So if you like the classics, this could be the torch-carrying band for you. My only disappointment is they could have been some kind of awesome bastard offspring of The Waterboys and Slipknot, but it wasn’t meant to be.
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