If Grimlord weren’t a band, then the name would be perfect for a super-villain in a Marvel comic. Thankfully, though, they are a band and one that pumps out some great music.
They’re from Wrocław in Poland, a town I’ve actually been to. It’s hard to believe an idyllic little burg could unleash something as heavy as Grimlord, but unleashed they have been. Plying their metal trade for ten years now (release-wise – they’ve been together as a band since 2000), they recently released an anniversary video to celebrate the occasion.
With a solid back-catalogue of heavy death-influenced thrash they have plenty of material to draw on. Their earlier songs are predominantly in Polish, but as their releases moved from EPs to albums, they’ve diversified into English. As a result, their web page is bi-lingual which is great as it’s a huge resource of information and updates.
Give them a listen and here’s to another ten years of metal from the west of Poland!
official | facebook | twitter | myspace | youtube