Another random change of direction today with a punk/rock/indie outfit from Liverpool. They’ve got a bit of a student-y kind of vibe to them, mainly as they’re students. I think they are, anyway – certainly at least one member of the band is as I used to work with her.
Now, before the complaints fly in I know they’re not metal but they label their tracks as “rock” on SoundCloud and I’m not going to argue. As well as the funky guitar driven sound that runs through most of the songs, there’s a fair amount of the “ambient” thing thrown in for good measure as well.
Overall, it does make them hard to classify but here they are – take ’em or leave ’em.
The one thing you can’t deny is the quality of the production which I can tell you will be being done on a tight budget. If I read correctly, they’re onto their fourth EP already and it seems like they’ve got a decent little fanbase going on in the local area.
As is standard practice, more information can be gathered via their facefart page, and they have a bandcamp page where you can download pretty much all their stuff for free.
Oh, and killer song titles. They have them.