Mark Healy dropped me a link to ask me to check out his solo project (that makes three in the past week – proof that you can cram 11 musicians on a stage or handle everything yourself and still create something people will like), Hibernal.
Mark’s from Brisbane and I daren’t say anything against that place as I know so many people who live there. So I’ll just generalise and state that I’m glad he spent his time composing his own brand of progressive rock instead of throwing shrimps on Barbies. I have yet to figure out why you’d want to cover a child’s doll with near insect-like seafood but that’s Australians for you. Weird bunch.
Hibernal’s debut album is available on iTunes and bandcamp from where you can order a download copy or a limited edition digipak CD for us old-schoolers. You can also listen to all the tracks and see if you like it.
It’s a concept piece, telling the story of a man rising up the corporate ladder but selling a piece of himself with each promotion. Rather than songs, it’s a mixture of professional voice talent and instrumental pieces. Almost like a play with musical interludes.
Everything flows well, and never feels like the different media are forced together. I assume Mark’s responsible for the atmospheric background sounds as well as the more obvious musical segments which help everything to move swiftly from track to track.
Definitely an unusual inclusion on the page here, but I’d definitely advise giving it a listen. It could well be that one link you click on today that makes you go “Hey… I’m glad I gave this a shot.”