Ah, Italy. A country known more for its food, posh clothes, ridiculously expensive sports cars and men living with their mothers until they’re 40 than Progressive Post Metal/Sludge. Thankfully the ex-Roman Empire has Varego around to redress that balance.
Living in Genova and formed in 2009, this five-piece are as experimental in their sound as they are in naming their chosen genre. Indeed, in their facefart bio they refer to themselves as “avantgarde chaos” – something I’m happy to go with.
Between their album, TVMVLTVM, and follow-up EP Blindness of the Sun, they’ve tackled various styles, instruments and ideas so they’re anything but boring or predictable. Hell, they’ve got trumpets and free-form jazz kicking about on one track.
Courtesy of the ever-capable Billy Anderson (Neurosis, Melvins, High on Fire…), the sound’s good throughout as well.
Have a listen to the track below and see if they’re your kind of Progressive Post Metal/Sludge. You could be surprised!