New Band of the Day: Cvinger

Cvinger - Monastery of FallenIf a black metal band could have the ideal number of likes on facefart, then it would be 666. Failing that, your next best is probably 13. This is how many Cvinger have as I type this up. And it’s far too low!

The recently-formed trio come from a country as-yet untouched by the New Band of the Day scouts – Slovenia. They’re also slightly less scary than Slovenian folk dancing. But only slightly.

The three came together at the end of 2012 and recorded a demo in January of this year, rapidly followed by an EP, Monastery of Fallen, which was released in July. As ever, a sample of their recent dark, burnt and crispy offering is available below with which to batter your poor, defenceless eardrums.

You can get the single, EP, t-shirts and so on via their bandcamp page. The EP is available digitally or as a proper CD – those shiny discs that are dying out the way vinyl did when I was in my 20’s *sigh*

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