New Band of the Day: Eldorado

Eldorado at El Gran Café

I heard of this band touring the UK later this year, and checked them out to see if they might be worth seeing. I think, on evidence, that would be a “yes”.

Originally from Madrid and other areas in Spain, they recently won a national award for the best rock album for their current release Antigravity Sound Machine. Their second album won a similar independent music award in the U.S. So not a bad pedigree.

They’ve been together since 2007 and class themselves generically as “rock”. From what I’ve heard, it’s a nice dirty sound. Not quite a sleaze rock vibe, but slow, heavy and very easy to listen to.

Not all their songs are in English, which is a pleasant surprise when you catch a Spanish one, but the music overrides the language barrier. I’m listening to “Reactor” as I type this paragraph and I can’t stop tapping my feet and nodding my head.

The track below, “Another Bright Sunday” is in English but check their YouTube channel for more of their videos. For more info, check out their facefart page. And if you like them, don’t forget the upcoming tour!

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