Coming at you from grotty north-west England (hey, I’m not having a go here – I live in Glasgow FFS) are Soldierfield. Five guys, some of whom who’ve been in bands you may have heard of before, playing some lovely hard-hitting metal.
The full run-down of members is:
- Vocals: Leigh Oates (Order Of Voices, Rise To Addiction)
- Guitars: Andy Trott
- More guitars: Steve Wray (Rise To Addiction, BLAZE)
- Bass: Simon Priestland
- Drums: Jeff Singer (Paradise Lost, BLAZE, Kill II This, China Beach)
It’s a great mix of styles. Bouncy in places, crushing in others, melodic here and there, bits you can sing along to. Perfect for a live set.
Their 5-song EP (Bury The Ones You Love) is out now and you can buy it from pretty much everywhere. Check out their home page for links (they probably get more of the cash if you buy it direct from them). Other info on the usual facefart page.