New Band of the Day: Crash Midnight

Crash Midnight (2013)

I’m jumping this band up the queue as I just spotted that all proceeds from sales of their new single are going to families of the victims of the Boston bombing. You can pick it up via this link to iTunes. Which shows that it must be a good cause as I never link to iTunes.

Sometimes it’s nice to kick back, neck a beer and listen to some good old-fashioned rock ‘n’ roll. Crash Midnight are that kind of a band. The kind you’d imagine playing at a “kegger”, I believe our trans-Atlantic cousins call it. Basically, a band you’d get shit-faced with.

The band live up to their influences – Aerosmith, Rolling Stones and Hanoi Rocks amongst others. There’s even a mouth organ in a handful of their tracks. Not taking themselves too seriously, living the music and not getting themselves stuck in one style. Fast paced sleezy rock, acoustic ballads, anthemic choruses – they’ve got a bit of everything.

Really good stuff, and well worth checking out. Best sources – their own web page and their facefart page.

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