A heavy metal band from Surrey. Hum. Oh, wait – not Surrey, England… Surrey, British Columbia. I believe that’s somewhere in Canadia and I know little enough about it that I can’t stereotype them or anything. Dammit.
I guess I’ll have to focus on the music instead of making jokes about hockey and shagging moose.
I’ve been having a look at the band’s photos on their facebook page, and the music lives up very much to the image they portray. They’re demin/leather clad, long-haired and pose like a band from thirty years ago. Oh, but there’s a girl on drums and that would never have happened in 1982, unless you were in a band with a daft name like Vixen or something.
The music is classic “heavy metal” style, with fairly high-pitched vocals. I would say a cross between Maiden and Priest, but with the style and image of Steel Panther if Spinal Tap‘s wardrobe guy had given them the once-over. It may be a little unfair from some promo pictures, but I just get the feeling these guys are just a bit tonto. In a good way, obviously.
I’m listening to their first full-length album Curse of the Voodoo Queen and there’s a good bit of variety on there, and some awesome solos. “Unleash The Kraken” is probably my favourite track musically – it just works for me.
They’ve just released their second work, Gates of Eternity, which should be available by the time you read this (or shortly afterwards).
Do check out their website as well – it has samples of the first album to listen to. Do note that it autoplays, so have the volume down if you’re in the office when you click the link…