Hailing from the cultural melting-pot that is Melbourne in Australia comes a band that proclaims themselves the tombstone that proves that thrash is dead! I assume by this that they mean they’re as thrash as you can get – they certainly go all out to prove it.
Nice, crunchy, heavy riffs get your head bouncing along to the first song on their debut album Live Til Death – mixed by none other than Harris Johns (Sodom, Kreator, Coroner). Don’t expect anything fancy and you won’t be disappointed. This is nice, simple, well-performed old-school thrash metal.
They remind me of early Testament, except for the vocals which seem to have more of an Anthrax influence. Actually, listening through a second time some of the more driving/pounding riffs have a tinge of the Scott Ian about them. Hey, it’s all good!
Even the lyrics bring back memories of the eighties. Carefree, violent, opinionated and perfectly suited to the music.
My only regret is I never saw them when I was Down Under.
The best place for more information is their official web page, though I’d pop by and give them a “like” on facefart as well.