Another band that just followed me on Twitter to get my attention, SkyBurnsRed bill themselves as “Alternative” and from Wiltshire. As if being from Wiltshire isn’t alternative enough. They’re definitely more pop/rock than metal, but that’s no reason to move onto the next extreme death act.
A band needs a gimmick or a tweak of originality to make it these days and SBR’s is to feature a violin as a major part of their sound. Piloted by Laura Williams, it blends in very well with Jase Johnson’s guitars while Michael Bowditch’s bass trundles along nicely in the background (and surprisingly frequently foreground). James Gray thuds away at the skins, keeping everything in rhythm.
Their songs do vary (you can listen to their new EP on SoundCloud, embedded below), but the thing that stands out for me is the production. It’s incredibly well mixed, although the aforementioned violin is often just a little bit too low for me. “Toru” is about the only song where it really gets a chance to leap to the front and stand out for any protracted length of time.
While not likely to appeal to many metalheads unless they’re happy stepping outside the steel-lined envelope once in a while, there’s no denying it’s good music and definitely worth a listen. I’d say that if you like music along the lines of Green Day then this is something you should listen to. It’s not that it’s similar, it’s just in that incredibly large ballpark in terms of heaviness. Hell, the fact there’s a violin in there makes SkyBurnsRed sound slightly folk metally at times, if you use your imagination.
As the tagline at the top says: “ROCK & METAL”. And SkyBurnsRed do rock, verily they do. Personal Pick is “Bird/Fire” for the wonderful mix of hard, shouty chorus with acoustic, slow-paced segments.
As well as SoundCloud, you can find the band on Twitter (@skyburnsredband) and facebook.