Wildfire Band Profile – Fueled Hate

In case you didn’t know (get out from under that rock!) we’re hosting a third stage at Wildfire this year on the Saturday and Sunday. Just to make sure you know what mouthwatering musical delights are heading your way, we’ll be featuring a profile of each of “our” bands in the runup!

Wildfire is held at Wiston Lodge, about 30 mins south of Glasgow, from June 23rd to 25th and tickets can be purchased from the official website.

Name: Fueled Hate

From: Corby, Northants

Playing: Sunday, 13:30

Fueled Hate hail from Corby and play a mixture of rap/metal/punk/hardcore and everything else in-between.  I think GetYourRockout had an attempt to sum them up when they wrote “This is the next generation of rap metal and the future of where this genre is going. It was like listening to a demonic Dr. Dre with an Anthrax style soundtrack but it was much more than that, this was a band that went beyond labels, pushed the boundaries of aggression and energy and demolished anything they touched”.

I got in touch with the band Fueled Hate to see if they could enlighten us and this is what they said and how Wildfire will be torn a new one….

Could you give us readers at Moshville Times a brief history of the band and how you came together?

Fueled Hate was created early 2012 and after undergoing a few line-up changes, the band have now settled on their final members. We are 5-piece metal band from Corby, Northamptonshire. Ray, David and Barry are family. Grem saw us playing a gig and later on joined  us. Lukas and Ray met each other at work, start talking about music and used to come and sit down with us at band practice so only seemed like he should be part of it.

How would you describe Fueled Hate and who would you say are your major influences?

This is a tricky one!!!

This is something new. We do not really know how or what to call it. We do not think there is anyone else out there at the minute doing what we do, but we just call it “Dirty”. That is how it sounds to us. Unless you can tell us different.

Between all of us. We listen to pretty much all types of music. Starting from pop to punk, rap/hip-hop, hardcore finishing on thrash and metal… We listen to anything that we think is good.

You played Bloodstock festival in 2016.  How was that experience for you?

Yes, we did \m/

That was something that we still live. I can easily say that was the best gig we ever had.

Playing on Bloodstock Festival was a big experience especially for us from a media side. Before, we did not get many opportunities to do interviews and there we had a lot of them which was good for us. But the most important thing for us was the crowd! They were all up for it. The more we played the more they grew!

“Encore” is a thing that you do not hear on such big festivals. We could hear people shouting to us for one more song, but because of the festival we try to just ignore it and get of the stage. But the sound guy told us to play one more song.


Something like this is just building you up. It is just showing that what you are doing is good and you need to work harder and move forward.

You released “March of the Pigs” in February of this year.  How have the new songs been going down live and do you have a personal favourite you like to play?

Good. We are building an army and we are not taking any prisoners.

Are there any bands on the Wildfire bill that you are looking forward to watching as well?

We are hoping to see pretty much all, because at Bloodstock we were to busy so we missed a lot of great bands playing there.

What should the Wildfire crowd expect from a Fueled Hate show?

What you will get from us is Madness, Insanity, Mayhem literally everything that your mother told you to stay away from \m/ What we should expect from the Wildfire crowd 3:-)

The same in return we hope \m/

What lies ahead for Fueled Hate for the remainder of 2017?

Gigs and writing new songs for the next album. Also, soon we will be working on a music video to one of our songs from our latest album “March Of The Pigs” which you can buy from Attic Records or US.

Thanks to Fueled Hate for answering these questions and I hope this has enticed you all to witness them on stage. Fueled Hate is ready for Wildfire… are you ready for Fueled Hate?

Fueled Hate: officialfacebook | twitter

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