They Uncultured are a new band on the block, having just released their debut single “Bark Like A Dog” at the end of last month. Well, to give you a chance to tell everyone about them by modelling their spanking new clothing line, They Uncultured have chucked a pair of very fetching t-shirts our way.
Answer the quiz question below (watching the video may help) and follow the instructions to enter…
What type of animal is chasing the man through the woods in the video for “Bark Like A Dog”?
Simply go to the “Contact” page, select “Competition Entry” from the subject drop-down and message us your details along with the answer.
You can catch They Uncultured live on the following dates:
- Thurs 25th May – Nambucca, Holloway
- Sat 27th May – Fighting Cocks, Kingston (w/ Piano Wire)
- Sat 3rd June – Camden Rocks Fest (Belushi’s 10pm)
Terms and conditions:
- Deadline for entries is midday on Wednesday 31st May, 2017.
- One entry per person.
- Entrants must have a UK address because we’re tight and can’t afford to mail stuff abroad.
- Only entries sent via the contact page linked above will be counted.
- We’ll need your real name and address to send out the prize.
- Correct entries will be pulled from a hat/mug/similar thing after the names are written on bits of paper (hi-tech, eh?), and the winners informed by email later that day.
- In the case that a winner doesn’t respond within 24 hours, a second draw will be made and so on.
- Your details will be passed on to the promoter purely for the purpose of contacting you and arranging your prizes and for no other purpose.
- Editor’s decision is final. Two prizes consist of one They Uncultured t-shirt each. No cash alternative. Why do they always say that in rules? If you want to win money you’d buy a lottery ticket. Duh.