Album Review: Metallica – …And Justice For All re-release

1988 and a band called Metallica were on the verge of breaking out of the niche "thrash" genre and becoming stupidly big. The album before their self-titled behemoth was ...And Justice For All and it did act as a bridge between their earlier material and the so-called "Black" album. It's just been re-released with up to … Continue reading Album Review: Metallica – …And Justice For All re-release

Golden Oldies: Guns N’ Roses – Appetite for Destruction

In three weeks, Appetite for Destruction turns 31 years old. Today, a remastered version is released. If you have a spare £850 lying around, you can get a four disc version of the album featuring the original album in its remastered form, everything the world’s former “most dangerous band in the world” recorded from this … Continue reading Golden Oldies: Guns N’ Roses – Appetite for Destruction

Golden Oldie: Obituary – Cause of Death

As I write my 100th article for Moshville Times, I am going to be a bit selfish here and review an album that changed my life forever. An album that I have listened to most in my life and still do to this day. As you all know I love my death metal and have … Continue reading Golden Oldie: Obituary – Cause of Death

Golden Oldies: Iron Maiden – Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

Happy 30th birthday to Iron Maiden's Seventh Son, an album that got many a metal fan into the genre and - in my case - my first heavy metal t-shirt. I remember picking up a "Can I Play With Madness" shirt in Makro, and that shirt was worn quite literally until it fell apart. I would … Continue reading Golden Oldies: Iron Maiden – Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

Golden Oldie: Kreator – Coma of Souls

The 90s always divides opinion amongst metalheads. However as many thrash bands fell to the wayside as the decade drew on, there were still awesome albums being released. Teutonic terrors Kreator arguably reached a peak at the beginning of the decade with their fifth cut of raging thrash, Coma of Souls. Kreator had shown growth … Continue reading Golden Oldie: Kreator – Coma of Souls

Golden Oldies: Def Leppard – Pyromania

It's been a while since we ran a Golden Oldies feature, but with Def Leppard's classic Pyromania being 35 years old this very day it would be rude not to draft a few words about it. I "got into" Def Leppard around the time Hysteria came out, much as many did. The album was huge and without … Continue reading Golden Oldies: Def Leppard – Pyromania