This year will be my sixth year attending Bloodstock, and as such I know from experience what to expect and why this festival is my first choice for festivals every year. Bloodstock to me is like a second home: great staff, great crowds and all in all a great time. Many people may think this … Continue reading We’ll Be There: Bloodstock 2019 – Aidan’s View
Author: Aidan
Gig Review: Avatar – The Garage, Glasgow (16th January 2019)
From the get go, Avatar are always high energy and interacting with their crowd. With a giant throne on stage for the king to take his rightful place, Avatar kicked things off with a bang, opening with "A Statue Of The King"; fast, hard-hitting guitar shredding to get everyone pumped up and it worked a … Continue reading Gig Review: Avatar – The Garage, Glasgow (16th January 2019)
Gig Review: Frog Leap Studios (Leo Moracchioli) – Classic Grand, Glasgow (23rd November 2018)
For those who don't know who Leo and Frog Leap are, then you're missing out on a treat. We've featured several of Leo's cover tracks, for which he's famed, over the years and with almost 3 million YouTube subscribers, he must be doing something right. While the "band" have played live before, tonight's show was … Continue reading Gig Review: Frog Leap Studios (Leo Moracchioli) – Classic Grand, Glasgow (23rd November 2018)
Gig Review: King 810, Glasgow King Tut’s (20th Feb 2018)
King 810, where to start with this Titan of a band? I'll start with the only things that were not quite up to par. At some points during the night it was hard to hear David singing and the lack of guitarist left the sound feeling a bit empty. Though there was a guitar track … Continue reading Gig Review: King 810, Glasgow King Tut’s (20th Feb 2018)
DevilDriver – Glasgow O2 ABC, 17th August 2016
The headliners may have been Ministry, but the night kicked off with the mighty DevilDriver, hailing from California and formed back in 2002. A relatively new band to the scene, but these guys had big plans and the means and motivation to put them in motion. This was my fourth or fifth time witnessing their … Continue reading DevilDriver – Glasgow O2 ABC, 17th August 2016