Interview Archive (audio): Ginger and Danny from the Wildhearts

Wildhearts - Earth Vs1994. Bradford Rios. The Wildhearts touring on their first release – the one they came back out to celebrate last year for its 20th anniversary. Holy crap, I feel so old.

As ever, excuse the amateur hour antics. I was but a little student with a stereo and a university radio show. However, I was getting to meet The goddamn Wildhearts! This was one of the first interviews I did and I can still remember being sat in what was then the “pool table” area of the original Bradford Rios when it had one pool table and some garden furniture in it.

It’s very much an informal chat kind of thing rather than an interview, but it makes for pleasant listening. Well, for me anyway!

This is the last of the old interviews that needed posted up. I really hope people have enjoyed them and – as ever – if you want to spread them around, transcribe them or whatever then I only ask for credit and a link back.

[download link – mp3]

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